Friday, December 9, 2011

Invest Consistently: Sound Advice.

Sound advice from James P. O'Shaughnessy, the author of the best selling What Works on Wall Street:
"Consistency is the hallmark of great investors and it is what separates them from everyone else. If you use even a mediocre strategy consistently, you'll beat almost all investors who jump in and out of the market, change tactics in midstream and forever second-guess their decisions.
Look at the S&P 500. It is a simple strategy that buys large- capitalization stocks. Yet this one-factor, rather mediocre strategy still manages to beat 70% of all actively managed funds because it never leaves its strategy. Realistically consider your risk tolerance, plan your path and then stick to it. You may have fewer stories to tell at parties, but you'll be among the most successful long-term investors. Successful investing isn't alchemy; it's a simple matter of consistently using time-tested strategies and letting compounding work its magic."
Excerpted from James P. O'Shaughnessy's "Advisors Bookshelf" column in December 9 edition of Investment News.